This year on the theme “Man and Woman, One in Christ: Engaging Faith Narrative for Justice & Equality” we gathered 98 faith actors and leaders from across Africa including Uganda, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Malawi, Tanzania, Rwanda and other parts of the world at Kiberinka Cultural Center in Kigali, Rwanda to explore gender dynamics and attitude within the church and community and its impact on human relationship. More specifically this conference explored biblical and gender lenses for equality, Justice and shared relationship between women and men in the church, home and society. Delegates representing different organizations including the Anglican diocese church of Mara (Tanzania), Lutheran church, Pentecostal church in Kenya, Rwanda and DRC, Church of Uganda, Anglican church of Kenya and Rwanda. Faith based organizations including; Side by Side Movement, Empower International Ministries, World Renew, REACH Rwanda, Provide Hope in Action, Africa Reconciled, World Vision, Compassion International, Dan Church Aid-Uganda, Act Alliance, CBE International and many others were part and parcel in the success of this Conference.
Speakers’ Notes
During this conference, speakers with their rich experience explored specific topics on gender equality and justice in lively and interactive presentations and discussions with delegates.

Click here to download papers and presentations
Conference workshops and presentations

In every conference we aim at providing a safe space for faith actors to learn and openly give opinions on their role in ending violence against women and girls through group discussions and workshops.
Faith actors have an urgent responsibility to respond to matters of gender injustices in their communities more importantly they have potential to interpret scriptures and religious texts correctly to end violence against women and girls.
Impact analysis
What is the impact of this conference in my community?
What is my role as a leader in responding to Sexual & Gender based violence?
What do I need to do differently? What have I learnt during this conference?
We took time to listen to what delegates had learnt. Here below is a video clip of their responses
Courtesy of Rwanda media a press release was aired showing the events of the 3 days conference.
Dr. Mimi Haddad & Rev. Domnic Misolo give their views on what the 2019 international conference represented.
Other moments that we shared

We are more than thankful to our delegates, speakers, staff, partners and friends who sacrificed their time and resources to make the 2019 International conference a great success. With your prayers in coming years we hope to reach more faith actors, women, youth and community leaders.